TEDxSapporo 2014 カンファレンス 開催要項決定!


Yes!! Here we are to announce you the date and venue for the most waited conference in our region. We will be throwing out another TEDx conference in Sapporo City in two months time.  TEDxSapporo 2014 will be held at following venues, date and times.

TEDxSapporo 2014 Conference

Theme:「YOU and I

Date:July 13th 2014, Sunday

Conference Venue:

Hokusho University, PORTO HALL ( CORE PARTNER )

1-1, South1 West 22, Chuo Ward, Sapporo City, 060-0801

Door Opens:10:00 Starts:13:00

Starting 10 AM, TEDxSapporo 2014 invites participants to ‘ GET KNOW’ session to watch TED talks and network with other participant  as we are holding the 2014 conference theme with ‘ You and I’. Our vision with this year theme/conference is to network with new friends and collide with ideas and spark conversation with the person next to you. We highly recommend you to be a part of this session. The speakers program will shortly follow after lunch from 13:00

Reception Venue:

ANA Hotel Sapporo

1-2-9, North 3 West 1, Chuo Ward, Sapporo City, 060-0003

Door Opens 18:30 Starts:19:00


We have listed 7 amazing speakers with worth spreading ideas from our region. Each speakers will share their ideas, experience, story and knowledge with the theme ‘ You and I’. Please get exciTED as very shortly in the coming days we will lineup their names and profiles.

Participating at TEDxSapporo 2014

TEDxSapporo 2014 is open to public. Please don’t miss out application guidance and details through our website and social networking channels.


Contact Us

Any questions regarding TEDxSapporo 2014, please mail us with your concerns to :

Please also refrain from making questions to our conference and reception venue regarding TEDxSapporo 2014.