We released TEDxSapporo 2017 Talks


We released TEDxSapporo 2017 Talks held on July 16, 2017. Please see the wonderful talks of the eight pairs of speaker performers who were invited to spread valuable ideas. HIROKI The Masked Ninja Possibilities of Nunchaku Hiroichi Ukegawa Turning challenges into opportunities Hiroshi Tanikawa The cycle of consideration to others will change the society Mayu Shono How to enjoy our lives with a parallel career Hinae Niori Following just the way you are, instead of the “ordinary” set by others Mamoru Taniya Becoming happy by expressing yourself 120% Shunsuke Narisawa The reason why I am the merriest in the world Hokkaido Sapporo Intercultural and Technological High School Band Dance and Play TEDxSapporo 2017 PlayList カンファレンス当日の登壇順に自動再生されます。