
TEDxSapporoSalon Vol.5 ‘The Positive Innovation’


TEDxSapporoSalon vol.05 was held on October 21 at ICC (Intercross Creative Center) in Sapporo. It was a chilly day, but our venue was filled with the great enthusiasm. We were able to welcome audience more than we expected. This number was the highest among previous salons we hosted so far. Thank you all for your participation. “Positive Innovation” was our theme of Salon vol.05; we have learned the importance of creative and constructive ideas and innovation from our three guests. I will summarize what I’ve learned from 3 main points.  “Local to Global, Global to Local” Mr. Yoshihiro Kurashige (digital marketing produce) introduced us his current project called “Hokkaido Likers,” as one of the solutions to the problem that every regional community faces today. In this project, Mr. Kurashige focused on the revitalization of the communities in Hokkaido. With the power of social media, in this case, Facebook, he was able to promote Hokkaido globally. By providing impressive Hokkaido oriented contents in 3 languages (Japanese, English, and Chinese), “Hokkaido Likers” acquired 500,000+ users in just 6 months since its launch on February 2012. Mr. Kurashige explained with his passion the key factors for the innovation at the local level marketing,…