Makiko MORI

Hokkaido Novice Teacher Supervisor, Aomori Prefecture Education Reform Expert Panel Member

Born in 1962 in Hokkaido. She majored in fine art (oil painting) at Hokkaido University of Education and pursued a career as an art teacher. She taught art at public junior high schools in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, and Otaru City, Hokkaido, and later went on to become a vice principal and principal. Since her teaching days, she has been engaged in challenging activities such as connecting schools and society, and utilizing guest teachers, with a focus on career education. After becoming a principal, she aimed to create a “school where children are the subjects of an enjoyable education” and implemented a non-managerial approach with the “pasture school” concept, where both children and adults can learn and live with peace of mind.
Her special skills include breaking with precedents, ignoring conforming pressure, and energizing people. She is nicknamed “Bulldozer Makiko.” In her local Otaru media, she writes essays under the pen name “Nekoyama Tabiko.” She enjoys traveling to retro towns, loves cats, stationery, and books, and has an interest in local handicrafts. In 2023, she was selected for the Forbes Japan 2023 Innovative Education 30.

TEDxSapporo 2023



宮永 真幸


鹿野 牧子


景井 雅之

Masayuki KAGEI

岩谷 圭介

Keisuke IWAYA

清野 光

Hikaru SEINO

藤田 奏真