札幌市 環境局 環境都市推進部 環境政策課 環境政策担当係長
佐竹輝洋 さん
Climate Change” is a major theme that TED has been focusing on since 2020 as part of TED Countdown, and it is a topic that has been discussed by the TEDx community around the world, and many ideas have been provided in the form of video content. The theme of “Climate Change” has been a focus of TED since TED Countdown 2020.
The theme of “climate change” is closely related to the SDGs and zero carbon, and is closely connected to the society around us and our daily lives.
By discussing with many people through this Salon event before the Hackathon event to be held in August, we hope to bring the topic of climate change closer to us and make the design of learning more wonderful.
札幌市 環境局 環境都市推進部 環境政策課 環境政策担当係長
佐竹輝洋 さん
TEDxSapporoSalon Vol.17のイベントは終了しました。